MoveMap Safety Feature Highlight: Prisons in Orlando Fl

As you may have noticed by now, helps you to explore your community by including special features such as schools and community amenities on the MoveMap. One of these special features is the safety feature which can help prisons in orlando flyou to locate any police stations, fire stations or correctional facilities in or around your area. Perhaps when you first begin to think about moving to a new city, you research things like schools in the area or recreational activities for the family. You may look at the median household income and explore the possible job market but maybe you forget to look at things like prisons and correctional facilities which can affect the crime rates of a given area. That’s where the MoveMap comes in handy. Click on the Safety button and then check the box next to correctional facilities and watch the purple boxes appear on your map.

Using the map, you’ll notice that some cities such as Oviedo and Winter Park have no prisons of any kind while cities like Orlando have several.  Although that is quite unfortunate for Orlando, it can be very helpful  to use the map in order to identify exactly what kind of facilities are located in your area and how near or far they may be from your neighborhood or local schools or churches. Looking at Florida you’ll notice it has four male-run and two female-run reception centers where inmates are thoroughly evaluated before being sent off to one of the 48 major institutions. Those institutions do not include work camps, juvenile detention centers and work release centers. The work release centers in Orlando for example are a community program that encourages inmates to reintegrate into society by working for their local community and getting paid during the last few months of their sentence. There are of course certain strict requirements leading to eligibility for these types of programs but they are one way of getting inmates to stand on their own, save up some money and try to once again become a part of society.

I hope this article helped bring your attention to some of the specific uses of the site and how the MoveMap can help you in ways you may not have thought of before. Let me also mention that the safety feature can be used to find the nearest hospitals, fire stations, and police stations which can be very beneficial when you move to a new area in case of an emergency!

Fire Stations in Orlando Florida

The city of Orlando has 24 fire and rescue stations within its borders.  By looking at our MoveMap, you can see that the stations are distributed fairly evenly across Orlando, though there are more total facilities in the denser downtown areas Orlando Fire Stationsthan in suburbs.  Most fire stations are public and therefore run by the government, but a few are private.  The private stations are exclusively rescue stations, which respond to emergencies by transporting people to hospitals.

Fire stations are an essential part of any community; without them, emergencies simply wouldn’t be dealt with.  However, living near a fire station in Florida can have both pros and cons.  Notably, and not surprisingly, fire stations are loud and operate 24 hours a day.  This means that living near one can present some nuisances in the form of noise.  While most fire truck operators try to be respectful of residents, they will blare the horn if they need to, regardless of the time of day.  This is the case in downtown Orlando where most drivers will traverse the streets silently for as long as they can; however, if they’re in a hurry and they come to a stop sign or a traffic jam, they will turn on the siren.  Noise can be a nuisance for some people, but most get used to it.  As a resident of downtown Orlando, I can tell you that at first I noticed the sirens quite a bit, but now they rarely register with me and certainly don’t wake me up at night.

Even though noise can be annoying, there’s a benefit to having so many fire stations in Orlando.  Typically, response time to an incident is a function of distance from a fire station.  In reality, a great number of factors influence the response time on any given day, but distance is a big one – if you’re close to a fire station, you can generally expect a faster response than someone who lives far away.  And if you live close enough, you might even be able to get a reduced insurance rate; check with your provider.  Since most fire stations in Orlando also serve as rescue stations, elderly persons and those with chronic medical conditions should be aware of station locations, since in many cases living nearby one also means living near an emergency medical center.  You can determine which fire stations also serve as rescue centers by clicking on a point in our MoveMap.

On the down side, you should be aware that fire stations that also serve as rescue stations are a lot more active.  In other words, since they respond to more incidents, they create more noise, often at random times of day.  So if noise is a major concern for you, you might want to consider living a few blocks further away.

We hope that this blog post has helped you get a sense of how fire stations are distributed throughout Orlando as well as the functions that they serve.  The relatively even geographic distribution of stations means that most Orlando residents enjoy decent incident response times.  Living near a station can present both costs and benefits, so we encourage you to check out our MoveMap to see where the nearest fire station to you is, and what it does.  Good luck with your home search!

Should You Buy a Home Close to a Fire Station in Florida?

When you’re looking for a new place to live, moving close to a fire station has both pros and cons.  Essentially, the cost-benefit analysis comes down to two factors: noise and response time to an incident.  Let’s discuss the noise issue first.  Fire Buying a home near a fire stationtrucks are…loud.  Truck operators blare their siren/horn in order to alert oncoming traffic that the truck is entering the street and to warn motorists to get out of the way, so that the truck can get to the accident scene as quickly as possible.  Individual city noise ordinances vary, but in most cases fire trucks activate their sirens as they are leaving their station, regardless of the time of day.  Therefore, you can safely assume that the fire station near your home will make noise and you will simply have to deal with it.  Resident annoyance due to sirens/horns is not a major concern for the folks who are fighting fires and saving lives.  Since you can expect noise, the operative question becomes how much?

In order to answer this question, you need to ask a couple more.  First, how many fire stations are in your community?  Have a look at our MoveMap to see the number of fire stations in your area.  If you live in a sprawling suburb and there is only one fire station, you can bet that it’s going to be fairly busy.  On the other hand, if the fire stations are distributed evenly throughout your area, you can expect less noise.  Next, inquire if the fire station is full time or part time.  Additionally, ask whether the station just responds to fires or if it offers emergency medical support as well.  In Florida, fire stations do much more than just fight fires, so knowing which events the station responds to is crucial to determining how busy it will be.  If you’ve got a couple of hours to kill you can always sit outside and observe or ask the neighbors.  This will provide a little firsthand experience to supplement answers to the above mentioned questions.

Although fire stations can present noise problems for some people, living close to them offers benefits as well.  The most obvious among these is reduced response time to an incident.  While incident response time depends on many factors, such as the amount of traffic, time of day, and staffing level, residents living close to a fire station can generally expect faster service in the event of an emergency.  In fact, folks that live sufficiently close can have lower insurance premiums than their more distant peers!  Insurance breaks aside, proximity to a fire station or hospital is an important factor for elderly persons and those with unpredictable medical conditions.  A more esoteric, but still important factor to consider is simply the peace of mind that comes with knowing that if an emergency occurs, help is only a few blocks away.  Finally, Florida is prone to hurricanes and emergency response centers like fire stations have a very high priority when it comes to repairing the electric grid.  If your home happens to be on the same part of the grid as the fire station, you can expect to get your power (and therefore, air conditioning) back more quickly than your neighbors.

So we’ve established that living very near a fire station presents both benefits and costs.  Whether or not you should live close to one depends on your unique situation.  Anecdotally, most people say that they get used to the truck noise and that it doesn’t wake them up at night or bother them all that much.  However, if you plan to resell you home in the future you should take time to consider the perceived impact proximity to the station will have on your home value/time on market.  While no definitive study has been done (to our knowledge), the common perception is that living close to a noise source like a fire station can negatively impact home values.  On the other hand, close proximity can actually be a selling point for people with certain medical conditions or concerns about fast emergency response time.  We encourage you to check out our MoveMap and take a look at how close your prospective home is to a fire station.  Then consider how much things like noise and response time matter to you.