There are a total of 23032 households within 33012. Of these, 75.3 percent are families. The average household size within 33012 is 3.2 while the average family size is 3.66. 7.5 percent of 33012 residents speak English at home. 14853 people living in 33012 are enrolled in school. 6.4 percent are enrolled in nursery school/preschool, 3 percent are in kindergarten, 36.5 are in elementary/middle school, while 24.3 are in high school; finally 29.8 are enrolled in college or graduate school. In terms of educational attainment, 67.6 percent of 33012 residents have a high school diploma or higher while 15.4 percent of those living within 33012 have a bachelor’s degree or higher. 91.8 percent of people living within 33012 have been living within the same residence for a year or longer. 23.7 percent of 33012 residents were born in the United States and 19.3 percent were born within Florida.
Florida is large state which is diverse in terms of its geography , economics and culture. Even within an individual zip code such as 33012, Florida neighborhoods can vary significantly from one another in factors like property value, homeownership rate and proximity to different community amenities. At MoversAtlas, we make finding the right place to live within 33012 a breeze. Simply find 33012 on the MoversAtlas MoveMap and start looking at map features that are important to you. Whether you need to know where community amenities such as daycares, schools or churches are located within 33012 or would like to see if your potential home falls within a flood zone, the MoveMap will tell you everything you need to know about 33012. Finding a place to live in 33012 doesn’t have to be a difficult or convoluted process, whether you’re looking for an apartment or trying to buy a house in 33012, MoversAtlas will help you find the spot that’s right for you!
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the Daycares Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the Public Schools Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the SUPERFUND Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the Dumps and Landfills Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the Air Emissions Facilities Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the Petroleum Contamination Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the Hazardous Waste Handlers Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the Dry Cleaning Facilities Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the Sink Hole/Subsidence Areas Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the Median Household Income Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the Median Household Income Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the Current Land Use Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the Flood Zones Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the Polluted Waters Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the Assessed Residential Property Value Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
- 33012 FL
For an extended description and more details on this map feature see the Sewage Treatment Facilities Extended Description. Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ.
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