The Team
Proxeme LLC is a small team focused on:
Solutions we can provide for you and your business
Our workload is split between developing fully functional sites such as MoversAtlas and performing behind-the-scenes data analysis and rendering. As a matter of fact, much of the work involved in creating a site like MoversAtlas actually consists of back end analysis and development. What can we do for you?
Data Procurement
One of our more common tasks is data procurement. Often the data a client is interested in cannot be found easily, is too messy to use or exists only as a spreadsheet or text file, for instance the Home Ownership rate for the state of Florida in 2010.
Data Analysis & Transformation
We specialize in transforming raw text data (such as a tax roll sheet or demographic variables) into data compatible with a web map or ArcGIS. Once the data has been acquired and transformed into something useable, we can also help clients visualize it.
Data Rendering and Visualization
This includes developing the appropriate color scheme and value breaks (based on statistical analysis) for the information in question. We then help you put your data to work on the web or on the desktop by developing an SQL database for vector data (we can also do Google Fusion Tables, KML, etc) or map tiles for complex polygon data.
For more information or to discuss solutions to your needs please fill out the contact from below and we will be touch.
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